
Grade 1 and 2:
  • Students practiced differentiating between masculine and feminine French articles. They were able to provide nouns that were masculine and nouns that were feminine
  • Students also practiced converting un/une to le/la (l') and vice versa

  • Students worked on five senses of the winter season. They were able to provide some examples of objects in the winter that use each of the five senses, both verbally and with the use of pictures. E.g Je vois un bonhomme de neige, Je touche des flocons de neige, Je goûte du chocolat chaud...



Grade 1 and 2: 
  • Students got to work on a snowman activity and list the clothing items he's wearing to review "les vêtements" and color agreement
  • We played bingo to practice winter vocabulary words
  • UN/UNE revision: students practiced listing nouns that use "un" (masc.) and nouns that use "une" (fem.)

  • Students learned a new song that talks about the seasons, "Les Saisons" ( 
  • We also did a copy and pasting activity of identifying pictures that belong to each of the four seasons

  • Students continued to do fun activities and games related to the animals we have learned so far
  • Students learned how to do the chant by themselves from playing "Le Petit Chien et Son Os" game.


Please see below for this week's activities in the Primary French classes.

Gr. 1 and 2:
  • Students are learning about winter activities e.g. faire du ski, faire de la planche à neige, jouer au hockey..
  • Students practiced saying in complete sentences what they like to do in the winter using the examples e.g. Pendant l'hiver, j'aime faire du ski.
  • We did a whole class activity where the students listen to the teacher reading aloud statements related to winter. They get to pick a side to stand whether the statement is true to them, "Oui" for yes, "Non" for no, and "Je ne sais pas" for I don't know. This was a good oral comprehension activity.
  • Students continued to learn about the four seasons, which of the months belong to each season, and what happens in each seasons e.g En automne, les feuilles changent les couleurs (rouge, orange, jaune et brun) et elle tombent.
  • Students practiced animal vocabulary words such as "le chat" and "le chien" from previous class.
  • They also get to play a game which involves everyone sitting in a circle and one student gets to be in the middle as "le petit chien". The student has to close his or her eyes. The teacher then chooses where to hide the dog bone. The student gets three guesses. If he or she picks the student with the bone, that student gets to be in the middle.
  • Students learned a new animal "le poisson". They get to trace and write the word on their own this time. Once finished, they get to colour the picture.


Première semaine de 2016!


Here's what we did in French class the first week back from the holiday. 

Gr.1 & 2: 
  • Students wrote about their Christmas holidays and their new year's resolution.

  • Students continued to work on the four seasons 

  • Students worked on an activity to find the letters of "HIVER" for winter
  • We started a new unit on animals in our environment: students learned domestic animals such as "chat" et "chien", traced the letters of the words and coloured the pictures 
  • Students were able to tell me which of the two pets they prefer